Gary B. Flom’s Efforts to Convert ICE Commercial Fleets to Sustainable Platforms

Gary B. Flom is not an unfamiliar name in the automotive industry. He has been in leading roles at some of the biggest companies in the world like Ford Motors. From being a U.S. Marine to becoming a renowned philanthropist, Gary’s journey has been truly remarkable. He started off without any support and guidance in the automotive industry and found success completely on his own. What makes Gary Flom stand out? The answer to this lies in his deep commitment to helping businesses run sustainable fleets. Being a visionary, Gary knows the future needs of the automobile industry and has helped the companies anticipate them. In this blog, we will look into the efforts of Gary B Flom in converting ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) commercial fleets to zero-emission platforms. How did Gary B. Flom help ICE fleets’ conversion to zero-emission platforms? Green technology is currently the motto of the industrial world, and Gary Flom is well aware of this fact. He und...